Saturday, September 20, 2014

Home Sweet Home

It's been a few days. It's nice - because that means I haven't been sitting by myself stewing with nothing else to do but write. It's funny, because briefly part of me felt strange that I hadn't written. Like this was another thing I had made some sort of commitment to but then failed. I realized though that this is for me. So if I don't feel like writing and I don't write. That's fine!

It's been an insane few days. Russ got to KS on Wednesday evening. He literally jumped out of his car and ran over to give me one of those big, giant hugs he's so good at. We gathered up my stuff and headed to Lawrence to get dinner. We decide to eat at Freestate Brewery and headed downtown. The host there tells us we've got about a 30 minute wait so we head around the corner and sit on the steps in front of the Lawrence Journal World building. I get the text that our table is ready after only about 5 minutes and we hurry back for our table.

I'm pretty sure these two missed each other. This was during lunch on Wednesday.

After dinner, I would realize I left my wallet sitting on those steps. We rush back and it's missing. We head back to the car to make sure I hadn't left it there and it is definitely missing. We head back and check the dumpster and bushes because maybe somebody just stole my cash and ditched my wallet. Nothing. We head back to the car and start driving to Topeka. I had sent out a message to my coworkers at Pet World that if somebody called about my wallet to let me know (I still have business cards inside of it) and one of them messages me back that a lady called! We give her a call - she's at Freestate of all places having dinner and we turn around and meet her there. Russ has the idea to buy her and her friend's dinner so while I'm talking to them he finds their server and pays for their bill. She calls later and thanks us, I'm relieved.

We go and get Jackson from my sister's and head to my Granny's house. We all three lay in bed and fall asleep. I've missed them both so much and we get a decent night's rest. The next day we're up at the hospital briefly. My sister had stayed the night before and there isn't much change. They're still backing off her vent and having to lower her sedation so she's a bit agitated but they're doing what they can. We head to Lawrence and we spend the day apartment hunting. We find a place we like and apply for it. Finger's crossed we'll get approved because that's definitely the only place we found that we applied for.

We have dinner at my Grandmother's house that night. I have hardly seen them in years because we haven't got along very often. She's nice to me though and she'd been watching Jackson all week for me so we all play nice and it ends up being a pretty nice evening. We get up the next morning and we head back to TN. We've planned on stopping in St.Louis (because it's about halfway between Topeka, KS and Spring Hill, TN) and go to the zoo with Jackson. Jackson is great in the car, we have to stop for lunch at this tiny little diner but in no time we're at the zoo. It's only open for two more hours, which is totally not enough time to even see like half of it, but we have a good time anyway.

Russ showing Jackson his favorite sort of lemur! We even got Jackson a stuffed one before we left. 

The drive back to TN is long and feels like it gets longer the longer we're driving it. Eventually though we're in Illinois... then Kentucky... and finally we're back in Tennessee. LaLayna calls me on our way back and tells me my car isn't parked out front anymore and she isn't sure why. There is some panic, I shut down. This is the last thing I need but after about 20 silent minutes of staring out of the windshield I accept that I can't do anything about it. We stop, get my key from her and head home. My car definitely isn't there. 

 This is about 25 minutes away from home. It was a welcomed sight! 

I call around this morning and find out my car was towed because my tag had expired. It's $200 to get it from the tow lot. I'm frustrated and upset but it is what it is, I suppose. I can't figure out my tags until Monday but the tow guy warns me not to park back at my apartment because the manager is on a "rampage" about this stuff and has all of the cars written down so she's going to keep on this. We park it at Kroger by my house and I just concede to being glad it wasn't stolen.

Jackson barely slept last night after sleeping all day in the car and now he's not slept really at all today. He fell asleep awhile ago and I laid him down and he's already awake. He's angry and yelling and I keep going in and patting the bed to lay him back down to get him to settle back down and go back to sleep but his schedule is all messed up. I'm frustrated, but honestly dealing with being a mom is pretty welcome after missing him and my family for so long. Him and I have had fun tonight, even if he's a disaster right now. 

Jackson getting a bath tonight at home and then asleep on me after we read "Horton Hears a Who". 

What I haven't mentioned yet is my mom. Yesterday, while I'm driving back to TN. They were able to extubate her. She is breathing on her own and was even able to eat on her own some yesterday. She's responsive to my family there but when I FaceTime'd with her on my sister's phone she didn't acknowledge me in anyway. I know she's in pain and probably confused but I would be lying to say I'm not sort of... frustrated? Maybe it the word I want to use that the day I left she essentially woke up. I miss her but I'm glad she's doing better. 

He's crying on my lap now. Teething. Poor guy. Russ is at work all night so it's just us. 

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